Commit to applying for the NYYI – use the step by step guide here.
Remember: NYYI registration closes February 21!
Please note: this scholarship opportunity is separate and external from the New York Youth Institute. Any student that submits a paper and registers for the NYYI is invited to attend the event on March 25 regardless of the outcome of the RSA NYYI Scholarship Program.
Register for the NYYI here
Fill out the RSA NYYI Scholarship Program Application here.
Students will be asked a series of questions including two prompts. Students must submit their NYYI Mentor name and email. Applicants should plan on attending the event on March 25 in order to be considered for an award.
Please email and put NYYI in the subject line for an expedited response.
If you have any questions directly related to the NYYI, please contact Polly E. Holmberg at