When I was doing community social work, I was working with an elementary school that was furious with a mom who would often keep all 3 of her children home from school. I met with the family to see how I could help. Turns out, along with the usual frequent illnesses that are typical of Kindergartners and first graders as their bodies acclimate to the universe of new germs, one of her children was suspected as having several allergies, and she herself had some health issues. She had no control over when the doctor’s office would have openings, and often she or the children were scheduled in the afternoons. She had no one safe she trusted to get the kids off the bus in the afternoons, and she had no transportation of her own. Her solution was to keep all 3 kids home from school for the day, and take them all to the appointment.
This article talks about the many benefits of RURAL school-based health clinics to children, families, and schools that could disappear if the ACA is repealed. Please give it a read, then contact your representatives, using the handy locator tool on the Advocacy Materials page, and let them know how you feel.