We have been learning more about how best to communicate research and information to you. As part of a fellowship called “Knowledge Matters” we produced this short (less than 7 min) video on self-care for compassion fatigue, aimed at teachers. (Click below to watch video.)
It talks about negative impacts of compassion fatigue, and gives 6 pointers for prevention. Further resources can be found below.
More Resources —
– Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project: more information about the issue
– SAMSHA: Eight Dimensions of Wellness: definitions and resources for personal and community (school, classroom) use.
– Princeton- Umatter: wellness assessment and planning worksheets.
– National Sleep Foundation: What is sleep hygiene? Definitions and tips.
– Sleep Education: Health Sleep Habits. More tips.
– A Soft Murmur. Website that lets you pick one, or a combination of, ambient sounds for relaxation (there are lots of sites like these – free).
– Nutrition and Stress: tips.
– Nutrition and Stress Management. More in-depth, with good news about coffee and chocolate!
– Exercising to Relax, from Harvard Medical School. Excellent explanations, along with tips, and a script for progressive muscle relaxation.
– National Institutes of Health Emotional Wellness Toolkit. Just what the title says.
– National Institutes of Health Social Wellness Toolkit. Also just what it says, this one for social wellness.
– Illinois State University News: 7 Ways to Improve Spiritual Wellness. A nice explanation, good tips, and a list of additional resources at the end. Some of these can only be accessed at ISU, but others are immediately accessible online.