The Rural Schools Association of New York

News Blog

Compassion Fatigue in Teachers


We have been learning more about how best to communicate research and information to you. As part of a fellowship called “Knowledge Matters” we produced this short (less than 7 min) video on self-care for compassion fatigue, aimed at teachers. (Click below to watch video.)

It talks about negative impacts of compassion fatigue, and gives 6 pointers for prevention. Further resources can be found below.


More Resources —

Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project: more information about the issue

SAMSHA: Eight Dimensions of Wellness: definitions and resources for personal and community (school, classroom) use.

Princeton- Umatter: wellness assessment and planning worksheets.

National Sleep Foundation: What is sleep hygiene? Definitions and tips.

Sleep Education: Health Sleep Habits. More tips.

A Soft Murmur. Website that lets you pick one, or a combination of, ambient sounds for relaxation (there are lots of sites like these – free).

Nutrition and Stress: tips.

Nutrition and Stress Management. More in-depth, with good news about coffee and chocolate!

Exercising to Relax, from Harvard Medical School. Excellent explanations, along with tips, and a script for progressive muscle relaxation.

National Institutes of Health Emotional Wellness Toolkit. Just what the title says.

National Institutes of Health Social Wellness Toolkit. Also just what it says, this one for social wellness.

Illinois State University News: 7 Ways to Improve Spiritual Wellness. A nice explanation, good tips, and a list of additional resources at the end. Some of these can only be accessed at ISU, but others are immediately accessible online.

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