The Rural Schools Association of New York

News Blog

Intergenerational Contact Zones: A Compendium of Applications

This past fall, I attended a talk at Cornell by Matthew Kaplan where he talked about creating Intergenerational Spaces in communities to increase opportunities for interaction between generations. When we think about community revitalization, this is a good model to consider. At this link, you can see a couple of educational applications, among other community contexts. Here at Cornell, Jamila Walida Simon, NYS 4-H Civic Engagement Specialist has experience with lots of innovative 4-H projects. I met with her in the fall, and she told me about her Children Youth and Families at-Risk (CYFAR) project she facilitated alongside youth and community members where after-school 4-H members explored upcycling with seniors. The two groups collaborated and started upcycling clothing in trending styles and selling to youth and adults in the area.

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