The New York Farm Bureau Promotion & Education Committee is encouraging high school seniors who have been involved with agriculture and plan on continuing studies in this field to apply for the 2018 New York Farm Bureau Agricultural Youth Scholarship sponsored by the New York Farm Bureau Promotion and Education
Committee. Scholarship awards are $1,500 for first place $1,200 for second and $1,000 for third place. District winners will each receive $100 and a memento. County winners are recognized at the discretion of their County Farm Bureau.
Students applying must have a family Farm Bureau membership or a Student Farm Bureau membership (a membership application may be included with scholarship enclosures). Students are required to complete an application and submit a brief 500-word essay, the topic: Discuss an issue facing agriculture in your county. How do you think NYFB can support members who may deal with this issue? We suggest that they feel free to visit the NYFB website, www.nyfb.org to learn more about Farm Bureau. The application can be downloaded, completed and emailed to sprokop@nyfb.org all required attachments or mailed to NYFB, attention: Sandie Prokop.
At the District level, a personal interview and essay presentation
may be scheduled at the discretion of the District Representative for the Promotion & Education Committee. The county winner will be the applicant scoring the highest for each county. The District winner will be overall highest county winner for the District. The state level competition is based solely upon the application and attachments.
The application submission deadline is November 16, 2017.
To nominate someone for the scholarship or to request an application, call 1-800-342-4143 or visit the New York Farm Bureau website at www.nyfb.org under programs, Promotion & Education, Scholarship.
The application is a fillable pdf and must be downloaded, completed, saved and you may email or mail it for submission.
Sandra Prokop, Education Specialist
New York Farm Bureau
P.O. Box 5330
159 Wolf Road
Albany, New York 12205
518-431-5633– Direct Line
518-431-5656– Fax
518-478-1208- Cell